his scholarship


elliot wolfson has published extensively in the area of jewish mysticism and philosophy in the medieval and modern eras. engaging the immense and complex corpus of kabbalistic texts critically, he also seeks to extend and transform this distinctive tradition of speculative thought. in so doing, he intersects with and contributes to a range of fields and disciplines, including philosophical hermeneutics, the history and phenomenology of religion, and theories of gender and eroticism.

Regarding A Dream Interpreted Within a Dream:

Oneiropoiesis and the Prism of Imagination

The dream becomes in Wolfson’s vision a kind of spontaneous poetry or, as the Jewish sages had it, one-sixtieth of prophecy itself.

Jeffrey J. Kripal, Rice University

Regarding The Duplicity of Philosophy’s Shadow: Heidegger, Nazism, and the Jewish Other

. . . Wolfson masterfully summons the lucidity of a philosopher, the erudition of a scholar, and the profoundness of a mystic to face one of modern thought’s most disturbing riddles . . .

Elad Lapidot, Freie Universität Berlin

Regarding Venturing Beyond: Law and Morality in Kabbalistic Mysticism

Over the past two decades, Elliot Wolfson has offered some of the most in-depth and iconoclastic readings of Kabbalah of any working scholar.

Journal of Religion

Regarding Giving Beyond The Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania

. . . Elliot Wolfson brings his deep knowledge of Kabbalah and modern Jewish thought to a rich consideration of apophaticism in Judaism.  His readings of Buber, Cohen, Derrida, Levinas, Rosenzweig, and Wyschogrod are nothing less than riveting as are his readings of thinkers such as Heidegger and Marion.

Kevin Hart, The University of Virginia

wolfson collection


titledownload yearhf:tax:article_year
achronic time, messianic expectation, and the secret of the leap in habaddownload2016
angelic embodiment and the feminine representation of jesus: reconstruction carnality in the christian kabbalah of johann kemperdownload2016
apotheosis of the nothing in altizer’s kenotic atheologydownload2016
asceticism, mysticism, and messianism: a reappraisal of schechter’s portrait of sixteenth-century safeddownload2016
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building a sanctuary of the heart: The kabbalistic-pietistic teachings of itamar schwartzdownload2011
by way of truth: aspects of nahmanides’ kabbalistic hermeneuticdownload1989
circumcision and the divine name: a study in the transmission of esoteric doctrinedownload1987
circumcision, vision of god, and textual interpretation: from midrashic trope to mystical symboldownload1987
coronation of the sabbath bride: kabbalistic myth and the ritual of androgynizationdownload2006
doctrine of the sefirot in the prophetic kabbalah of abraham abulafia, part 1download1995
doctrine of the sefirot in the prophetic kabbalah of abraham abulafia, part 2download1996
dreaming of the dream of the poem: flattened curves of infinitivitydownload2011
echo of the otherwise: ethics of the transcendency and the lure of theolatrydownload2012
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fore/giveness on the way: nesting in the womb of responsedownload2006
forms of visionary ascent as ecstatic experience in the zoharic literaturedownload2006
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gottwesen and the de-divinization of the last god: heidegger’s meditation on the strange and incalculabledownload2017
hai gaon’s letter and commentary on “aleynu”: further evidence of moses de león’s pseudopigraphic activitydownload1991
hebraic and hellenic conceptions of wisdom in sefer ha-bahirdownload1998
heeding the law beyond the law: transgendering alterity and the hypernomian perimeter of the ethicaldownload2020
heidegger’s apophaticism: unsaying the said and the silence of the last goddownload2017
hyperphilology and the anachronism of anachronismdownload2019
iconic visualization and the iconic body of god: the role of intention in the rabbinic conception of prayerdownload1996
iconicity of the text: reification of the torah and the idolatrous impulse of zoharic kabbalahdownload2004
imago templi and the meeting of the two seas: liturgical time-space and the feminine imaginary in zoharic kabbalahdownload2007
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in the mirror of the dream: borges and the poetics of kabbalahdownload2014
inscribed in the book of the living: gospel of truth and jewish christologydownload2007
left contained in the right: a study in zoharic hermeneuticsdownload1986
left contained in the right: a study in zoharic hermeneuticsdownload2006
letter symbolism and merkavah imagery in the zohardownload1990
light through darkness: the ideal of human perfection in the zohardownload2006
light through the darkness: the ideal of human perfection in the zohardownload1988
merkavah traditions in philosophical garb: judah halevi reconsidereddownload1990
murmuring secrets: eroticism and esotericism in medieval kabbalahdownload2008
mysticism and the poetic-liturgical compositions from qumran: a response to bilhah nitzandownload1994
nequddat ha-reshimu – the trace of transcendence and the transcendence of trace: the paradox of simsum of the rashab’s hemshekh ayin beitdownload2013
new jerusalem glowing songs and poems of leonard cohen in a kabbalistic keydownload2006
not yet now: speaking of the end and the end of speakingdownload2015
occultation of the feminine and the body of secrecy in medieval kabbalahdownload2006
oneiric imagination and mystical annihilation in habad hasidismdownload2007
ontology, alterity, and ethics in kabbalistic anthropologydownload2000
open secret in the rear view mirrordownload2011
parting of the ways that never parteddownload2014
paul philip levertoff and the popularization of kabbalah as a missionizing tacticdownload2012
phallic jewissance and the pleasure of no pleasuredownload2017
re/membering the covenant: memory, forgetfulness, and the construction of history in the zohardownload2006
recovering futurity: theorizing the end and the end of theorydownload2020
retroactive not yet: linear circularity and kabbalistic temporalitydownload2015
sage is preferable to a prophet: revisioning midrashic imaginationdownload2009
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seven secrets of knowledge: qumran e/sotericism recovereddownload2003
skepticism and the philosopher’s keepingdownload2014
suffering eros and textual incarnation: a kristevan reading of kabbalistic poeticsdownload2020
suffering time: maharal’s influence on hasidic perspectives on temporalitydownload2004
temporal diremption and the novelty of genuine repetitiondownload2010
textual flesh, incarnation, and the imaginal body: abraham abulafia’s polemic with christianitydownload2012
the anonymous chapters of the elderly masters of secrets: new evidence for the early activity of the zoharic circledownload2009
the body in the text: a kabbalistic theory of embodimentdownload2005
the hermeneutics of visionary experience: revelation and interpretation in the zohardownload1988
the holy cabala of changes: jacob böhme and jewish esotericismdownload2012
the mystical significance of torah study in german pietismdownload1993
the problem of unity in the thought of martin buberdownload1989
the status of the (non)jewish other in the apocalyptic messianism of menahem mendel schneersondownload2010
the theosophy of shabbetai donnolo, with special emphasis on the doctrine of “sefirot” in his sefer hakhmonidownload1992
theolatry and the making-present of the nonrepresentable: undoing (a)theism in eckhart and buberdownload2017
to distinguish israel and the nations: e pluribus unum and isaac hutner’s appropriation of kabbalistic anthropologydownload2020
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undoing time and the syntax of the dream interlude: a phenomenological reading of zohar 1:199a-200adownload2010
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zoharic literature and midrashic temporalitydownload2013


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